Sunday, May 4, 2008

2:25 pm and I Need to...

And there's so much to do and I don't want to do it. My desk is piled so high with papers my elbows are way higher than my keyboard and it's difficult to type.

I need to buy gas for the lawn mower and finish cutting the back lawn.

I need to clear my desk off.

I need to run to the grocery to get food and drinks for the youth (before 3 pm today!).

I need to put my laundry away so I can do more laundry.

I need to pay bills.

I need to collect cardboard boxes to bring to UNC to help Tom pack on Tuesday.

I need to think about what to have for dinner.

I need to write.

I need to see my horse.

I need to water my plants

I need to clean my fish tank which I can't do until I order a new part for my cleaner thingie.

I need to clean the cat box.

I need to get the blower working so I can blow the dead leaves and grass off the driveway.

I need to weed my back garden, front garden, by the mail box.

I need to get all the kindling sticks off the back porch to make room for my plants.

I need to get the back porch ready to use.

I need to ...

You get the idea. So instead, I play a game called "avoidance." It's easy to play, just sit and doodle on the computer , or whatever is your fancy, and waste day. I suppose I could even read!

Nope, I'm going to get to my feet, put on my sandals, and wander outside. I guess out of all my "needs," I'll weed. At least I'll get some fresh air and it'll make me bend. Although that's becoming difficult lately. Have you ever experienced pushing your rolls of fat aside so you can bend over to tie your shoe? It's really gross.

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