Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Challenge Status

OK, it's day 3 or is it 2 of the writing challenge? I'm not sure as it's approaching the transition of night to morning. I critiqued manuscripts today - not my own, so does this count as part of the challenge? Unfortunately, I think not.

I've failed to maintain the conviction of my own challenge to spend a measly 15 minutes a day to create. Sigh.

My latest 15 minute-venture into my book left me swooning with amazement as a new chapter / idea formed on it's own accord. It left me breathless. I need some time off to reconsider and reflect upon what's happened in the fifth re-write of my book. I do know it needs to be strengthened, intensified, hardened. Does this make any sense? My protagonist took me over and created a new scene which needs to ferment a few days until I can actually mold it into a more final form. This is my excuse. I edit others' work instead.

Work is piling up. That's a good thing. It'll keep me busy for most of my free time for the foreseeable future and that is also a 'bad' thing. No time for Jack. Little time for creating. I guess I'll need to schedule carefully all the tasks I must attend to so that all will get done.

Ah that the mighty dollar (needed for 2 college tuitions) intrudes upon my creative solitude.

HA. And such is life.

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