Thursday, May 8, 2008

Time for Air? No - A Time for a Challenge.

I tossed and turned so much last night both the bottom sheet AND the mattress cover were rustled off the corners and bundled together in the middle of the bed. At least the mattress itself felt pretty cool. I hate to say it, but it might almost be time to turn on the A/C, symbolizing the end of spring.

WOW! My youngest son, Jim, asked me to proof his English paper last night. I'm very impressed! He's quite the wordsmith. When did this happen? Jim's the guy in the red shirt and Tom's the blue, just like their college colors. And yes, that's a House Divided License plate for the front of my car.

I slept really well last night even though it was so hot, because my house was full again. :^)) It really is nice having them home - even though I won't see either of them much what with their visiting, and working out, and just plain being away.

A friend of mine spoke at an SCBWI conference in New England and offered them a challenge ----to write for 15 minutes every day for 21 days.


I'm going to change this challenge to one where I spend 15 minutes writing my own stories (not blogs and such) for 21 days.

Can I do it? It will be hard to get into the routine - to train myself to quickly focus on my subject matter and create or edit. Sometimes it takes me 15 minutes just to get back into the swing of the story. But I'm going to try.

15 minutes, how hard can it be?

Somehow, I think it will be very hard.

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