Friday, May 30, 2008

Class Notes

As you might remember, my critique group decided to take an online class called Dirty Little Secrets taught by Keena Kincaid. I've learned a lot. It's very thought provoking and makes you realize how many dirty little secrets we all have that makes us who we are. Yes, that's a little cliche, but it's true.

At our critique meeting last Wednesday, we actually broke into a character discussion - and it was fun! We were all a bit surprised about it, but I guess it shows that we're thinking about what we're learning. HA. Good for us.

We began the class by studying several pictures then taking one and examining the secrets as told by the description of the person. Their dress, how they hold themselves, expressions, where they are, everything about them can point to a secret.

After we completed this assignment, we moved to our own work-in-progress (wip) and defined the major secret of our protagonist (or antagonist). How did the secret affect how they acted (or didn't), dressed, their mannerisms, and many more questions?

My character, Jack, has a fear of being considered abnormal because he has visions which come true. So, being an outcast for a 12 year old is a major big deal. How does Jack deal with his visions and with his family and friends? Well, for that you'll need to read my book Dragon Tears once it's published. However, I'll need to go back to the beginning (after I've completed this draft) to pull Jack all together.

I love taking these little short online courses, or attending a workshop, or conference. But it also makes me realize how much MORE work I need to do with my story. It's a bit frustrating because I have so many other stories waiting to be told, and I just can't seem to finish this one.

Guess I need to sign off and clean house. My parents and sister are heading into town for Jim's graduation on June 6th. Should be a wonderful time.

1 comment:

C.R. Evers said...

Ohhhh! That is so neat that your crit group is doing that together!!! I should bring that up to my group to see if anyone would be willing to try that sort of thing. Maybe you could make some suggestions with some links in one of your future posts! I'd love to check them out!

Very interesting to think about!
